Events / Hope Center/Neurology Monday Noon Seminar

Hope Center/Neurology Monday Noon Seminar

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom/Fort Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium (1st floor, NRB; Medical Campus)

Gregory Zipfel, MD
Ralph G. Dacey Distinguished Professor and Chair
WashU Neurosurgery

Talk title: “Role of STAT3 and oxidative stress in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer’s Disease”

The Monday Noon Seminars are co-hosted by the WashU Hope Center for Neurological Disorders and Department of Neurology.

Mini-series: Role of Neurovascular Unit and Neurovasculature in Aging and Degeneration

Organizers: David Holtzman and Fareeha Saadi (WashU Neurology)

  • CANCELLED – September 30Ikbal Sencan Egilmez (WashU Radiology)
  • October 14: Gregory Zipfel (WashU Neurosurgery)
  • October 21: Jonathan Kipnis (WashU Pathology & Immunology)
  • October 28: Chenghua Gu (Harvard University)

Full schedule, Hope Center Monday Noon Seminars

For inquiries contact the Hope Center.