Events / Hope Center/Neurology Monday Noon Seminar

Hope Center/Neurology Monday Noon Seminar

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom/Fort Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium (1st floor, NRB; Medical Campus)

Laura Ibanez, PhD
Assistant Professor
WashU Psychiatry

Talk title: “TBA”

The Monday Noon Seminars are co-hosted by the WashU Hope Center for Neurological Disorders and Department of Neurology.

Mini-series: Applications of -Omics Technology to Study Complex Inheritance in Neurological Disorders

Organizer: Celeste Karch (WashU Psychiatry)

  • November 4: Laura Ibanez (WashU Psychiatry)
  • November 11: Mayssa Mokalled (WashU Developmental Biology)
  • November 18: Bess Frost (Brown University) – *NOTE, virtual-only
  • December 2: Ting Wang (WashU Genetics)

Full schedule, Hope Center Monday Noon Seminars

For inquiries contact the Hope Center.